Atacama abre postulaciones a fondos concursables 8% 2025
Con la presencia de dirigentes y representantes de diversas organizaciones sociales de Atacama, se llevó a cabo durante la jornada, el lanzamiento oficial de los fondos concursables de la “Glosa de Vinculación con la Comunidad FNDR 8% 2025”, que impulsa el Gobierno Regional de Atacama y que va dirigido a Instituciones privadas sin fines de lucro y cuyo marco presupuestario para este año es de alrededor de 2 mil millones de pesos.
Para este año, el fondo contará con seis glosas de postulación, entre ellas; “Actividades de Deporte y Programa Elige Vivir Sano”, “Actividades Culturales (Bases Generales serán publicadas de manera diferida)”, “Actividades de Seguridad Ciudadana”, “Actividades de Carácter Social y Prevención de Drogas", "
Mario Silva Álvarez,, Gobernador Regional (s), indicated: "a very good news for the neighbors of the Region of Atacama, both for the inhabitants of the province of Chañaral, Copiapó and Huasco provinces. We are starting the regional development fund competition this year with around 2 billion pesos that we will deliver to communities. , to those non-profit organizations that can compete in different areas (...) So it is a diversity of lines that we will be able to deliver to social organizations so they can participate from 4 million up to 8 million and in particular sports and culture may reach up to 20 million pesos per year. So this is very good news."
About deadlines,"The deadline is until March 31st. It's quite long period. We know we are in a summer period so we will have March which will surely be intense month and our team at Government Regional offices in Huasco,Copiapó,and Chañaral provinces are available for social organizations so they can come forward with technical queries because what regional government wants is reaching out these resources as much as possible towards non-profit social organizations."
The bases for the contest are available on website under "FNDR Contests (glosses 8%)" banner and applications will be open from January 21st until March 31st on platform.
The Presidente del Consejo Regional Patricio Alfaro stated: "We have already started with this important contest for non-profit organizations I think all this is very relevant for our society everyone who wants to win project funding it's as important as what we've been doing over years.So I believe especially calling out organisations so they could participate in all lines currently available through Government Regional Platform".
Freddy Rubina added:"It's great opportunity strengthen ties with communities interested in applying,receiving funds also encourage other organisations apply dare do access these regional level funds hope future execution successful wish best each organisation every athlete applying these funds". p >
Lilian Navea Project Manager Rotary Club Copiapó said: "We're happy grateful regional government Honorable Council opening again these funds allowing us reach community as non-profit organization.We Rotary vast experience inclusion projects continue line where create safe spaces disabled people thank Council Government opportunity" p >
The Government Regional team will conduct various training sessions for organizations institutions having any doubts regarding application process.For first instance confirmed training dates Province Copiapó Monday February10th starting at17:30 hours Ex School Manuel Orella located Ossa Varas501 Caldera Tuesday February11th at17:30 hours MunicipalidaddeCopiapó Councilors Hall Wednesday12th Carlos María Sayago Hall located EdificioCouncilRegional.Training dates provinces Chañaral Huasco will be confirmed published coming days. p >
Fuente: Atacama